![]() To: steve.lamacq@bbc.co.uk From: Brechdan_tywod@excite.com Subject: One Lie In Cardiff Steve, I was somewhat irritated to read your comments in this weeks Big Issue Cymru about One Live In Cardiff. 1. You opine that Cardiff "...seems to be more cosmopolitan now than five years ago." It may interest you that Cardiff has ALWAYS been cosmopolitan city - ever since the 1840's when it was the second largest port in the world after New York and attracted a multi-cultural population from all over the world, the ancestors of whom still remain and contribute to the melting pot that is Wales' Capital City. I find your comment rather patronising and resent the implication that Cardiff has only become 'cosmopolitan' and 'lively' since the invention of the tokenistic 'cool Cymru' scene by lazy, Londoncentric hacks - co-incidentally around five years ago. 2. I would also like to take issue with your statement "we do things around the country but we haven't done that many things in Wales recently". Please can you clarify which 'country' you are referring to here. If you mean 'we do things in England and thought it was time to come to Wales' then say so. Otherwise it sounds very much like you are inferring that Wales is a region of Greater England. As you know, Wales is a separate Nation - after all your programme on Radio One on Thursday nights breaks down into the 'Session In The Nations' - although from your comment in this week's Melody Maker ('the nations as we call them') one might be forgiven for thinking that even this concept was the invention of the media and not an actuality. I await your reply with interest. Mihangel Macintosh [STEVE DID NOT BOTHER TO REPLY.... NI WNAETH STEVE DRAFFERTHU I YMATEB] [Brechdan Tywod #6 - 2001] |