>From: brechdan_tywod@excite.com
>Subject: Bloody Football!
Hi Steve, I'm one of those people who always says theyr'e going to write and complain about things but never actually does, but your interview last night with Paul Draper from Mansun really gave me the pip! Do you really have to spend 10 minutes talking about bloody football? If we were interested in football don't you think we'd have been watching the game on the TV instead of tuning in your show in the hope of hearing some great music?
I was futher outraged by your comment along the lines of 'it's not not worth arranging to do anything else, there's nothing else going on 'cos everyone is watching the game' As Paul Draper himself pointed out, an England game is of little relevance here in Wales - the majority of the population couldn't care less whether England win or lose a football game. The others, those who are interested in football, I can guarantee are cheering for trhe other side in an England game - whoever the opposing team. I imagine your listeners in Scotland and Northen Ireland feel the same way
Cheers, Siani Blewog.
>Subject: RE: Bloody Football!
The comment "It's not worth arranging anything else" was based on the life of a band, ie who plays gigs on the night's of England games. Everyone I know has rearranged shows 9including people like Alfie and Snow patrol in Brighton at the weekend). It was decided by Radio 1 that we couldn't ignore the football. So I suggested a way of embracing the two things - the music and the game and the fact that we were playing the Mansun record - would be to call paul at home or in the pub or wherever he was.I understand that the rest of Britain wasn't particularly interested, but I did mention that earlier in the show. Sorry if it upset you.
>From: brechdan_tywod@excite.com
>Subject: Bloody Football!
Hey Steve, you seem to have taken it a bit personally! Thanks for your explination and sorry if I've upset YOU!! Guess I missed the bit where you mentioned the rest of Britain. Just for the record, I'm in a band and probably would play a gig on the night of an England game but that's another story....
cheers. Siani
[Brechdan Tywod #5 - 2001]